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Since 1970 North East High School has been finding and featuring some of the best players in Maryland. From coaching them on the ins and outs of football to honing their athletic skills, we’re proud to have a football history of over 50 years.


Building on our tradition, to be an Indian Football player simply put it means, BE THE STANDARD. There are three staples that make up our standard. Part 1 is EMBRACE THE DAY. By embracing the day, every day, we show up with gratitude knowing that it is a privilege to be a part of the program. We focus on having fun, working hard, and constantly improving in order to be successful. Part 2 is LAY YOUR BRICK. Laying your brick means focusing on giving your absolute best effort in order to conquer 1 task at a time on our way to accomplishing our ultimate goals. Part 3 is FAMILY. Family stands for Forget About Me I Love You. Football is the ultimate team game. In order for the team to be successful, everyone on the team must be willing to sacrifice for the betterment of the team. Every member of the program is held accountable to be the standard every day!

Coach T

Personally, I am extremely blessed to have football be a part of my life, from being a player to now having the opportunity to coach. The lessons that the game of football has taught me have played a major role in making me who I am today. I look forward to sharing these valuable lessons that I have learned with our student-athletes, as well as learning some new ones to prepare them for success in both football and the game of life. I am extremely grateful and humbled to have the opportunity to lead this program! #BETHESTANDARD 

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Taylor Slaughenhoupt 


- Playing Career -

Easton High School,

Shenandoah University (Tight End/Defensive End)

- Education -

Easton High School '12,

Shenandoah University '16

- Coaching Tenure -

North East High School  

2017 & 2018 - O Line and D Line 

2019 - Defensive Coordinator

2020 to Present - Head Coach

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